The Eye of the Storm
In the eye of the storm all is calm. When life is in session sometimes it can feel like a storm — logistics, planning, hurrying from one thing to the next. For me it’s so important to pause in the midst of all that and return to that peaceful, grateful place. Oh yeah, I created this life, this way. It didn’t happen to me it’s happening for me.
And today, if it’s not serving me, what can I take care of in my inner world or outer world to make things better?
The checklist:
Physical Care
Mental/Emotional Care
Meditation/Quiet Sitting
How full is my cup on each of these levels and what can I do to filler up? Small things count. Do I need to pick up the phone or put the phone down today? Am I willing to listen quietly for the next right thing? Am I willing to enjoy what there is to be enjoyed even though life is imperfect, I am imperfect, everyone in the entire history of the universe including that person is imperfect?
Am I willing to breathe in and out five times, deeply, with eyes closed, noticing the colors I see when my eyes are closed? Am I willing to loosen my jaw, relax my forehead, right now? Am I willing to keep going, in this life, with these circumstances, these gifts, these challenges — and feel grateful for it? Yes. Yes I am. Even though all these things. I’m gonna keep going.