The World is My Rave

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Today, the day after Halloween, is like the Thursday night of my long-gone clubbing days.  It’s the day when the real freaky people come out to play.   Friday night and Saturday night are for amateurs, tourists, and office workers.  Thursday night is for people who care more about play than whatever happens the next day.

But what about me?  Folks like me who like to play but go to bed early?  Who don’t want to have to dress up in costumes to be their bold, silly, exuberant, playful, full selves?  Who want to explore the dark, the light, the in-between of human existence with a little more latitude than is normally offered in the drop-off line at school, the supermarket, the gym, the office.  

The world is my rave. 

I can play like a kid, dance through my life, be light and free, like Halloween, like Thursday night, today and tomorrow while doing my life.  My adult, taking care of business, mom, wife, homeowner life.  Yes I can.  I’m gonna keep going!