Light on Chocolate Chips
I talk about meditating but I don’t actually do it with any regularity on my own. I’ve had some training, attended a workshop or two, did the full TM training thing, have listened to guided meditations a few times, and of course, gone kinda meditative in yoga, which I feel like I’ve heard people call moving meditation ... I never regret a sit, and I don’t judge my sits or get into any of that “it needs to be like this to count,” or, “the best kind is this,” or that kind of thing. Not helpful. A few weeks ago, and then maybe several months before that, and then the year before that, I thought if I had the perfect cushion it would draw me into a daily mindful sitting practice and I’d get all the benefits everyone talks about. The mind-body-spirit benefits I’ve experienced when from time to time I’ve meditated daily for a stretch here, a stretch there — just three minutes made a difference for me.
I’ve heard the Dalai Lama does several hours a day and that’s wonderful for him. I’m going for what would be wonderful for me, which would be anything I could do, consistently, over time. Consistently. Daily.
I’m thinking five minutes. Today I set the timer for seven minutes and wound up snoozing it for another five. I sat in the old chair which worked just fine, no pink silk cushion required. Then I made the chocolate chip pancakes and got the coffee going in a timely fashion, feeling much much slower, softer, in a good way.
And when Ax complained that the pancakes were light on chips I said, “I know you prefer more chips but there will be treats at camp today and it’s my job to keep you healthy.” After some pouting and negotiating, he ate the pancakes.
I’m gonna keep going.