The Rule of Three
Yesterday I talked about the Rule of Three — like if three terrible things happen in a day it’s time to look at where I’m at and maybe come back to a more centered place to deal with life. Like maybe breathe, drink water, remember this too shall pass, remember to be grateful for my is-ness, remember that meeting people and situations with patience, tolerance, kindness, and love is 100% the way I want to do this life. Remember to ask for help with that, which sometimes looks like me, just standing there, quiet, but inside saying, “Please help show me the way of patience, tolerance, kindness, and love. Please help show me the way of patience, tolerance, kindness, and love. Please help show me the way of patience, tolerance, kindness, and love.”
Sometimes it looks like me breathing fire, texting Sunshine a random “WTF??????? Why?????” Which generally gets me at least a smiley face or kissy heart winky face back. Then I know I’m not alone. And I remember my little stuff is not big stuff.
And on a great day I remember — or get reminded — that service, however small, is the key to happiness for me. And I get on it.
Put it out there. Give and take help. And give and give. And I did that yesterday. And holy moly I had a great day.
My handsome and brilliant husband commented, “It seems like if you’re supposed to take credit for when life seems awful, you should also take credit for when life seems great.”
It’s an interesting point, but I’m not sure about it. I’m gonna keep going.