Rest, Snack, Mani-Pedi
Let me first say I don’t generally get mani-pedis, but a lot of people do. And why? Well, for some it feels good, and it’s a fashion thing too. Like naked nails are not their look. For me painted nails are not my look and I don’t actually like the vibe or process of someone working on my feet and hands that way.
And yet I’ve been thinking about getting a mani-pedi for a while. In my mind it’s some kind of extreme pampering, a self-soothing activity. But I don’t really think it will do the soothing I want it to do.
The soothing I want is not available at a nail salon. It’s from deep breathing, meditation, a daily reliance on something bigger than myself, and from right-sizing my expectations and demands of myself and others. And taking care of the basics — sleep, food, exercise, socializing in the right doses.
Even after everything there’s this underlying push, an omnipresent dissatisfaction with how things are. And a corresponding constant pull to fix, to adjust, to change everything and everyone including myself. It’s exhausting.
A mani-pedi is not the solution. I can get one if I want one, and maybe I will. I also want a new sofa, a new car, a new hairdo, a new house, and a new career, from time to time. None of that will get that feeling of ease I crave. That connectedness.
That feeling is here, if I check in, tap into it. Breathe in and out — all the way — into it. I’m gonna keep going.