Day 26/58: The Whole Enchilada
We are born, then we die. In the middle a bunch of stuff happens. Some of the stuff I get to influence, some of it I don’t. My in the middle stuff, in the beginning, was pretty achievement-oriented I guess. Learning stuff, producing stuff, doing stuff I thought I was supposed to do to have a “good life” or to be a “good person.”
I don’t regret that part. Now I’m kind of in the middle, middle part and it’s a lot about relationships, doing this kid-raising thing, taking care of others, taking care of myself so maybe the end part of the middle part lasts longer or is better, healthier.
I don’t know what the end part will be, or if I’ll even get to have a very long one, or any time after today, really.
So what’s the point? I have no clue. I have no clue, for you. For myself, I’m thinking I’d like to have a nice time and ideally have a positive impact in general.
That’s the whole gig as far as I can tell. The whole enchilada. I’m gonna keep going.