Evac Day 12: The Adventure Continues

I did not wake up singing, but I woke up fairly human and hopeful, which is moving in the right direction, the singing direction, the in touch with the universe, happy, joyous, and free direction ...

Mike took the co-sleeping gig last night and I had a good, long, hard rest all by myself in the big bed which was the best gift ever. Thank you, Mike!

I said to him, “Thank you so much for supporting me and my needs and my program and everything.” He said, “You and your program support all of us.”

What a sweetie. And it’s true. We all are much better able to support each other when we are taking good care of ourselves. And we are pretty good at taking turns giving each other the space to do what each of us needs to do.

Yesterday was a lot of looking for places to relocate to, today was a lot of relocating, but we took time to do some meditating, we took time to eat good food, and now Ax and I are taking a LEGO-building play date break while mom and Mike go see some art.

It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas vacation in New York. I hope our house will be standing when we get home but we’ll deal with that then. I’m gonna keep going.