Snuggee City  

We were on the road for a couple of days and now we’re home and it’s snuggee city time. I was going to do so many many many things today to get ready for the holidays but I’m feeling like we are all on the verge of getting colds and I particularly am on the verge of many things. So no. No, no, no. Instead of going out to get lights and figuring out how to make those work maybe Ax and I will make some holiday-inspired drawings and tape them up. They’ll look great. Lights can be tomorrow, or never.

And we’ll skip the ten craft fairs happening today. Instead we’ll nap and read books with titles like, “Pip Can Sit,” and watch tv, a lot of it, while eating popcorn and apple slices and drinking fizzy water with lemon, or hot water with lemon and honey.

If this day goes really well I will never get dressed. Yes. That’s what sounds good today. That’s what I need and I get to do it. It’s my choice, this day, this life. I’m gonna keep going.