Getting It Going, Again, Anyway

I’m returning to my favorite yoga class this morning, right after I post this. I committed to go because a friend wanted to try it out and now she’s bailing but I’m going anyway. It’s been a while since I went and my body is not feeling particularly mobile. But I know it will get there if I go to the class, especially if I go more than once every few months. And mobile would feel good.

So I am going today. And I’m grateful to that friend of mine who said she wanted to go for getting me there, even though she’s not going. I have some regrets about eating as much breakfast as I did before hand, but that’s okay. There’s time for it to digest, not quite as much as I’d like, but enough.

And I’m not in perfect shape to start this, to re-start this. Then again, maybe I am. Today is a perfect day to re-start something that has been good for me, something I know I like, once I get going. There’s just that membrane of resistance to pierce through and then it’s clear sailing.

Getting there is the hardest part. Getting dressed, getting in the car, and going. Back in the day I had gym buddies and we’d go work out then go to breakfast or not. That was fantastic.

I don’t go to a gym anymore and it seems like my friends’ time is much more precious these days, or maybe my memory of doing that is skewed. Maybe we didn’t do that as regularly as I believe we did.

Anyway I’m going to be my own yoga buddy today. I’m going to go and do the minimum and enjoy what there is to be enjoyed. And then, hopefully, I’m going to keep going. It’s so much easier to keep going than to get going. But I can do it. Black leggings, black tank top, black clogs, bright blue mat, and out.