Broken Windows Policy on Meanness
Today I’d like to tell you about the Fall Festival bake sale prep and my thoughts about how goth a witch costume for a children’s event can reasonably get. But I’ve got a touch of brain race and I’ll tell ya it’s about this Me Too thing, which you may or may not have seen. I’ve promised not to get political – meaning I’m committed to basically only writing about my own personal stuff. There are a lot of places people can read about what’s going on in the world but this is, as far as I know, the only place people can read about what’s going on with me.
And I have this hope that if I’m truly honest about what’s going on with me then it will help me accept myself more and get on with being as me as I can be, my most me, or more me, more fulfilled, rather than running around trying to do a bunch of stuff or be a kind of person that’s not me. And if I can do it, this self-acceptance thing, then maybe it will help others do it too.
So I’m not going to write about the Me Too thing or the Weinstein thing here. Or the recent thing that some famous Hollywood person wrote which was, of course, that everyone knew what was happening and just didn’t do anything.
I believed him when he wrote that he didn’t know what to do. It’s sad but believable. It makes me glad I have a son. It makes me glad this life’s not over. We all have a chance to do much better than we have done before.
I’m calling a broken windows policy on civility within my little sphere of influence – basically me, and a little bit Ax. I’m going to be super-considerate of myself and other people. I’m going to pay attention to smaller infarctions that do not seem right and call them out gently. Very gently, as one would point out to a small child playing soccer that they might try kicking the ball towards the other team’s goal.
We are all in this together. We are all learning how to coexist and make it better for ourselves and those around us together. I’m gonna keep going.