Fire Up the Savory Quinoa, Babe!   

We have three events this weekend that suggest we bring food and I’m thinking savory quinoa and lentils is gonna work for all of them. Hopefully Mike will be willing to make a big batch this morning and we can serve it up all weekend long. Maybe skip the lentils. I probably should have told him yesterday but I wasn’t thinking about it. And we don’t really need to bring anything to any of these things anyway, or we could just bring a six-pack of fizzy water and some organic corn chips and salsa, or guacamole if we’re feeling splurgy.

But the savory quinoa is a bit of a showstopper and we like to go big when it comes to food offerings for folks. Particularly at Sukkot, the harvest festival event we’re attending where I’m not sure we know anyone else, it would be nice to lean into the discomfort of showing up by bringing a heaping bowl of veggie-ful grains.

And also the BBQ where the vegetarian option could be buns, it’s good to bring something substantial my honey can tuck into so he gets fed and the hosts don’t have to suffer that “we forgot to feed the vegetarian” malaise. It’s also fun to see the meat eaters getting their grub on with the hippy food.

So it’s going to be a good weekend. Monday will be two weeks since my back went funky and I’ve been a good girl not aggravating it with tennis or yoga or that boot camp I don’t want to do anyway but may do anyway. I’m going to continue to rest the body and heal this weekend so that hopefully, hopefully I can get back to that stuff next week.

This weekend I’m going to eat quinoa, enjoy my family, do some socializing, and take care of myself. I’m going to enjoy what there is to be enjoyed. I’m gonna keep going.