Choose My Own Adventure
I really can’t have it all, at least not all at the same time. I can’t be doing this veggie-growing, clog-wearing, conscious-parenting thing here and also be doing a big-city go-getter thing somewhere else, or a world-travelling seeker yogini meditator thing somewhere else for that matter. I can’t, maybe you can. I’m not conflicted about how I’ve chosen to live these days, or where. That said, every once in a while something appears that reminds me of what I could have chosen, but didn’t, and I mourn for the loss of a life I’m not living, the paths not taken, way cuter shoes, or even less material encumberments.
It’s a mind thing for sure. I can re-focus on, re-commit to, what I have, what I am, what I’m doing, how I’m living and remember it’s my choice for right now, and it’s temporary. There’s time for me to do this and time to do something else another time. There is time for me to enjoy this path now and to enjoy another path another time. I’m gonna enjoy this situation, my chosen situation, this adventure, today.