Feeling Lucky
I love my life. There is too much clutter everywhere in my house, I’m carrying a few more pounds than I’d like, our savings is not as robust as it might be, and life is good. We have a home, I have a body, we have some savings, I have a life. I have a family. It’s beyond cool, if I think about it. I am lucky, the word I’ve been told secular people use to say, “blessed.” Whatever. The point is, I’m grateful today. There’s time for me today to enjoy today and I’m tentatively confident that’s gonna happen.
I’m also ready to take care of some lingering business today, or start the process at least while I’m in a good mood. Stuff I’ve been putting off because it’s not how I typically enjoy spending my time. Following-up on some weird bill- and admin-type items, pulling the trigger on a big home repair, de-accessioning more Ax toys to make room for new Ax items.
There’s time to do that stuff and time to take a walk, call a girlfriend, moisturize, and shower before I go out for the day, the stuff I typically like to do. I’m feeling lucky. I’m getting on it.