Bunnies, Chocolate, Matzah, Ducks
It’s Easter Sunday and we may or may not go do things involving colored eggs and chocolate today. Probably not. Ax and I are both a little under the weather and I could see the day unfolding fairly mellow, with Mike maybe taking Ax to the park to scooter and feed the ducks in the duck pond as is their Sunday tradition. I’m skipping yoga, my Sunday tradition. I’m pretty sure. We dropped the ball on Passover this year, although that implies I was holding the ball at some point, which I wasn’t. My father called the other day and kindly, but clearly, said, “Could you at least get some matzah and give it to my grandson so he knows…?” Okay. Yes. I know he knows, even without the matzah, but I can do that.
We are not religious. We are spiritual. I am more spiritual and more aware of the grandness and smallness of my personal existence than ever before, more grateful for my life than ever before. I’m not against religion, and there’s plenty of loyalty to Jewish custom and culture, but religion is not part of our daily life, and the big religious holidays don’t move us either.
Family moves me, friends move me, nature moves me, my child moves me, people suffering, injustices that can be addressed, good food to be shared with others, these things move me. Little rituals and blessings move me. The big stuff not so much.
So today we will eat some matzah and if Ax’s friends are all going to run around and collect eggs in the park perhaps we will join them. We will celebrate our gratitude for living by living, the way we want to live, and enjoying it fully, on this day as on all the other days. We are lucky. We are blessed.