One Quick Daily Ritual that Works for Me
For a while now we’ve been saying some stuff at bedtime, and I’m pretty sure it’s having a positive effect. After the teeth brushing, the stories, the final peep, the setting the alarm clock. After lights out we lie in the dark and we say, together: Universe, please reveal what there is to be revealed, please heal what there is to be healed. Please show me the way of patience, tolerance, kindness, and love, to myself and to others. Thank you very much.
G-d, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference. Amen.
Please help me be willing to let things be as good as they can be. Thank you for my life.
Sometimes after we say this stuff one of us will mention something from the day that was revealed, or that we want to be healed, or that we want to have the courage to change, or etc. etc.
Ax gets pretty animated when he has something to share, like, “Mommy today it was revealed that you are great at puzzles!” (See essay, “Coral Reef Puzzle.”) Or, “Today I want the bruise on my ankle to be healed.” Or, “Today I gave Harper my grapes at snack and she was really happy.”
The whole process takes maybe five minutes, not that long, and I go to sleep in this grateful, peaceful, non-head spinning state. I’ve resisted doing this kind of thing for years even though I’ve been told me to give it a whirl many times. I’m glad I’m doing it now.