
            Today I am celebrating.  I put my love eyes on yesterday and they helped me make a day I was torn up about and dreading into a good day, even a great day.  There was progress and appreciation and help all around.  It was easy to hang out and just be me and everything that needed to happen did happen and everything that I was scared about happening didn’t happen. 
            And not everything was perfect.  I could have gotten bent up and messed up about some stuff.  At one point, I started spinning.  But I chose to stop.  I took a moment and felt it, I thought about the love eyes perspective, I put the love eyes on and thought about what a person who feels good about herself and the rest of the world would do.  I did that.  Results were shockingly good.

            So I’m relieved, and not only that, I’m going to take it one step further and celebrate.  I’m going to feel how good it feels to feel good, and stick with that, All Day Long.  Yes, another day of love eyes, another day of good times taking care of business, being useful to others here and there, playing with a couple of friends, feeding my family, and existing.  I give myself permission, no, strong encouragement, to practice patience, tolerance, kindness, and love towards myself and others today.  Yesterday was the holiday, today I’m celebrating.