Less Shitty = Majorly Awesome

So what I thought was a near-boastful post yesterday was not received that way at all.  I was swaggering about this relatively newfound mind-shifting skill set that’s working for me, and I received a lot of feedback along the lines of “I’m so sorry you feel shitty.”

Huh? What I said was — I feel LESS shitty more of the time, and that’s a win.  If I said I never feel shitty anymore that would be a lie, and also inhuman or perhaps some enlightened state that is also, I think, maybe inhuman?

It is so important to me to show up human in this social media space that is so filled with inhuman, inhumane aspirational stuff.  The cacophony of suggestions that I should be - could be - happier, fitter, more productive, more whatever if only I bought this thing or app seems toxic to me, especially around this time of year when most people I know aren’t constantly super-blissful on the inside, regardless of how it looks on the outside.  In fact, most people I know (not a randomized sample, granted) feel shitty sometimes, my word choice. 

They feel down, they feel sub-optimal, their thoughts sometimes focus more on the two pounds they want to lose than on how lovely it is to have toes. They worry about mom, brother, son, daughter, aunt Laura, the neighbor, the dog, dad, The World, and those two, okay 3, dang pounds, not necessarily in that order. 

And worry feels shitty and it’s human.  Humans worry.  I  used to worry a lot of the time and now I worry less of the time.  When I do worry I have some go-to tools for assessing how to proceed and I use them and they work for me.  I don’t need to spin in yuck. 

I spend less time spinning in yuck. I spend less time feeling shitty, or whatever you want to call it. More time in equanimity, peace, non-effed-upedness. I’m proud of this evolution.  I’m stoked. I’m gonna keep going.

Sascha Liebowitz